Saturday, October 27, 2007 

100 Shows and Counting

If you've seen a ghost, don't know who to call, and missed our show on October 19th at Shea Riley's, you should really go here.

Also, we've got a few new shows to talk about. On Thursday, November 8th, we will be making history at Knickerbockers. That show will mark the 100 show that the band has played over the past 7 years. So please come out and celebrate with us, as you only turn 100 once. The show starts at 9pm and we'll be headlining the show, probably going on around 11:30. But there will be some great bands opening up for us, so be sure to come out early and pick up some $0.25 tacos for a mere $0.25.

Plus, in honor of 100 shows from the band, you can now download our old songs that we never play anymore for free in the media and merch section. 5 songs from our first ever recording, "Leaving It Behind," have been made available, and all you have to do is right click (ctrl click on a Mac) on the songs and download them straight to your computer. Sure the quality of the recording isn't the greatest, but since this CD is out of print, this is probably the only way you'll ever here them if you don't already own the CD. If you already own the CD, then 1000 apologies for having just wasted your time when you could have been reading a paragraph about something more useful to you, like how to correctly give CPR or the proper temperature to cook duck.

posted by Stein  # 12:56 PM