Friday, August 04, 2006 

FREE SHOW This Sunday!

In case you hadn't heard, we're playing a FREE show this Sunday, August 6th...for the Maggie McCall's "Battle of the Bands Summer '06." We'll be playing at 10 O'Clock...oddly enough, headlining the show that puts us up against Split the Difference and Blue Martin Tribe.


...we need you to come out ready to drink, because everytime you buy a drink, you get a vote ticket and can vote for us to move on to the second round. Sure, it's a Sunday, but everybody needs a little drink on Sunday to try and forget that Monday's coming. This is a 21+ show, and the show kicks off at get there early and start drinking and voting for us, even if you haven't heard us yet...we promise to play good.

posted by Stein  # 12:25 AM