Thursday, August 31, 2006
Interview with a Scholar...or four...
This month, we are the featured band of the month for the month of September on the Lincoln music website It's quite an extensive interview that involved all four of us (in some form or another), the president of Hershey's, a monkey (that ironically wasn't running for Congress) and a box of white chedder Cheez-Its. Be sure to check it out and learn about the inner-workings of your favorite band called Ten O'Clock Scholars.And, we'd love hear what you think, so keep us *posted*...oh the wit.
posted by Stein # 11:42 PM
Sunday, August 27, 2006
Just wanted to let everyone know that we are being featured on a new podcast about the Omaha music scene. You can check it out at omarocks.comBe sure to vote for us as the band of the week!
posted by Stein # 9:31 PM
Friday, August 18, 2006
The News
In case you were wondering, which I doubt you were but I'll pretend just for my sake, I'm no longer gracing the airwaves every night at 10pm. This Tuesday I got the ol' axe from Corporate America, and will no longer be hosting the KXVO News. Apparently I had made it to the final round of the audition, and everyone important was prepared to give it to me...until good old Harry Pappas stepped in and said, "Pull him off the air." The reason. Well, I was given no reason besides the fact that "Hare Bear" didn't like me. And, I'd like to think that the comedy was there, so it must have been the intimidating fro.But anyways, thanks to those who tuned in. Now you don't need to anymore...unless it's Tuesday because they still want me to do the local music stuff.
As for band related news, we've got two big shows coming up next week. Wednesday, the 23rd, we'll be opening for Marty Casey and the Lovehammers at Knickerbockers (which ironically is a KXVO sponsored event...but we were on the bill before that happened) and next Friday, the 25th, is Barn Party II at the Waverly Social Hall.
And we've got three new songs in the of which ("Wave Goodbye") might be played at both shows...which is nice...
posted by Stein # 2:17 PM
Monday, August 07, 2006
Sunday Drinking = No Love
Well, we regret to inform you that we were unsuccessful in our attempt to move on to the second round of the Maggie McCall's Battle of the Bands. We had a great turn out, played a great show, but just didn't quite have enough drinkers out to vote us through. Oh, people tried, don't get me wrong...but really we found out later that many of our people weren't receiving their vote tickets when they ordered drinks. But, what do you rock and roll music, I guess. Well...we'll have to work on that.posted by Stein # 1:07 PM
Friday, August 04, 2006
FREE SHOW This Sunday!
In case you hadn't heard, we're playing a FREE show this Sunday, August 6th...for the Maggie McCall's "Battle of the Bands Summer '06." We'll be playing at 10 O'Clock...oddly enough, headlining the show that puts us up against Split the Difference and Blue Martin Tribe.So...
...we need you to come out ready to drink, because everytime you buy a drink, you get a vote ticket and can vote for us to move on to the second round. Sure, it's a Sunday, but everybody needs a little drink on Sunday to try and forget that Monday's coming. This is a 21+ show, and the show kicks off at get there early and start drinking and voting for us, even if you haven't heard us yet...we promise to play good.