Thursday, October 27, 2005 

It's Sokol, not So. Cal

Yeah, you could say we had a good time playing Sokol for the River Concert Series last night. A special thanks to the ladies that came specifically to see us (drop us a line and we'll hook you up with some stuff). The two of the them represented roughly 1/3 of our fan base for the show, as we had one of our smallest crowds in quite some time. We did win over some kids, though, buy giving out a free CD...actual kids (probably 4 and 6 years-old, respectively) who stuck it out in the front for the entire show. Props to them.

We should have the setlists up from the past two shows either today or tomorrow...complete with pictures and our fiasco with Spicoli on his morning show (for those of you that didn't listen)...depending on when I get around to it. Oh, yeah...that's it, just an "oh, yeah" for all the crazy cats and jive turkeys out there.

posted by Stein  # 9:27 AM